Est. 2000 (A.D.)

Are You Selfish? Take the Quiz!


By Cynthia King


We all know someone who's selfish. The sister who only calls when she needs money. The obnoxious friend that hogs all the attention at parties. Selfish people come in all shapes and sizes. They are friends, family members, and co-workers. But when is the last time YOU took a good long look in the mirror?


Take the following quiz and find out just how selfish you really are!


1. You're sitting on a crowded bus on your way home from work. A very pregnant woman boards the bus and stands directly in front of you. You:


a.) Stand up immediately and offer her your seat.


b.) Go back to reading your newspaper thinking, "Thank God I'm not that fat."


c.) Ask her to move. She's blocking your exit and you don't want to miss your stop.


2. It's Friday evening after work. You open the fridge and find only one beer left. You:


a.) Leave it for your husband.


b.) Hide it in the back of the fridge so hubby won't find it.


c.) Crack open the beer and decide to finish off the last of the pretzels.


3. Your divorced sister calls. She is going on her first date in two years and needs you to baby sit her twin boys at the last minute. You:


a.) Accept obligingly.


b.) Start making static noises and feign a bad a connection.


c.) Hang up abruptly, unplug the phone, and reach for the remote. You have plans to watch Lifetime television tonight.


4. You've just slipped into a hot, soothing bubble bath when the doorbell rings. A cheerful Girl Scout is at your door selling cookies. You:


a.) Sign up to buy 10 boxes.


b.) Claim you have a rare disease that prevents you from eating cookies and send her on her merry way.


c.) Slam the door. You hate solicitors and are furious that bath time has been interrupted.


5. You're just sitting down to your morning latte at Starbucks. You notice that the woman who recently vacated your table left behind her sunglasses. You:


a.) Run after her and return the glasses pronto.


b.) Push them aside and reach for five sugars.


c.) Slip the glasses on to see if they fit. You've been looking for a pair just like this.


6. You meet your best friend for lunch. She claims she is depressed and having problems in her marriage. You:



a.) Comfort and console her for the rest of the afternoon.


b.) Offer to fix her up on a date.


c.) Recommend that she see a shrink as soon as possible and change the subject. This conversation putting a real damper on lunch.



7. Your boss walks by your desk and you notice a long piece of toilet paper stuck to her shoe. You:



a.) Bring it to her attention right away.


b.) Smile to yourself and let her keep on walking.


c.) Stifle your hysterical laughter and start emailing your co-workers. This is too good to keep to yourself.



8. You're standing in line at the supermarket behind a young mother and her cranky two-year-old. Suddenly the child begins to wail loudly and incessantly. You:



a.) Smile consolingly at the distraught mother and continue to wait patiently.


b.) Switch checkout lines before the kid gives you a headache.


c.) Hold your hands over both ears and shoot the mother a dirty look. You're disgusted with her blatant lack of parenting skills.



9. It's Christmas and your mother has sent you a gift. You open the package to reveal a garish red sweater with a large reindeer on the front. You:



a.) Chuckle, try it on, and call your mom to thank her.


b.) Close the box and immediately re-gift it for your sister.


c.) Recoil in horror and call your mother demanding both an explanation and a gift return receipt.



10. You are sitting on your front steps enjoying a cigarette when you notice your elderly neighbor struggling to carry some very heavy-looking grocery bags out of her car. You:



a.) Rush over and assist her.


b.) Yell for your husband to come outside and help the poor woman.


c.) Wave, smile, and take another drag on your cigarette.





Tally your score:


For every question you answered a, give yourself 1 point.


For every question you answered b, give yourself 2 points.


For every question you answered c, give yourself 5 points.



10-12 points: Congratulations! You are a selfless individual. You care deeply about other people and you cherish your relationships with friends and family. Even complete strangers bring out the best in you. You enjoy helping others and always put their needs above your own.




13-35 points: Consider yourself a somewhat selfish individual. Although you try not to hurt people's feelings or make them uncomfortable, you consistently put your own comfort and welfare above all others'. You always put yourself first.




36-50 points: You are one selfish woman. You put your own interests above all others' and to hell with what anybody else thinks. You have no concern for other people's feelings and have no problem making them feel uncomfortable or intimidated. You are often tactless and rude. Your mantra is "Every woman for herself!"



© 2005 Cynthia King



ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cynthia King is a tech writer turned freelance writer living in New England.


Other articles by Cynthia King: Cut Your Housework in Half! 5 Steps to Freedom


DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake. Unless otherwise noted all material © 2000 - 2022 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved