Est. 2000 (A.D.)

The Happy Woman Rules

(Track Him, Trick Him, Trap Him!)


By Sharon Grehan-Howes


Meeting Him

Show up at as many social occasions as you can-- you're not going to meet Mr. Right in your bathtub!


Birthdays, Bar Mitzvahs, river cruises, office parties—even funerals (you stand a good chance of meeting at least one unattached person) are terrific hunting grounds. Crashing bachelor parties, cruising strip joints and peep shows are ideal ways of meeting unattached and attached (you can deal with that later) men.


Mr. Right may already be in your life! Look at the men around you. Think of the intimate bonds you have already forged with your lawyer, accountant and gynecologist.


The First Date


Make sure to tell him what jerks your other boyfriends were. This will make him him feel superior to them.


Be completely honest. Tell him about the time you poured sugar in the gas tank of the boyfriend who dumped you after two dates and tell him how the shock of catching your ex in bed with his assistant landed you in a mental institution.


If you're a single mother, don't tell him about the little one(s) until he's made a commitment.


Flirt with the waiter to show him how attractive you are to the opposite sex.


Order the most expensive thing on the menu, take one bite and claim you are "sooooo full". This will illustrate your complexity. It will reveal that you appreciate good food but care too much about your body to eat it.


Tell him right off the bat you are looking for marriage children and an SUV. There's no sense wasting time, after all the clock is ticking!


Seal the deal by sleeping with him.


Keep It Going


Once he's in your sight keep him there, get him a cell phone with a GPS tracker.


Email him, mention him in Tweets, write on his Facebook wall anything to make sure that way you will be constantly on his mind.


If you are in a long distance relationship you may wish to move to be closer to him. We caution you to until after the first date as you don't want to appear desperate.


Be someone else. Study successful thin attached people and become them. Quiz your prospect on what he likes in a woman. Adopt those characteristics.


If he doesn't call it doesn't mean he's not interested. It could be that he is very busy, that he forgot your telephone number or that he has been in a terrible traffic accident and has amnesia. He may need little reminders. Call and hang up. This always work as it puts the phone in his hand. When it is in his hand it will probably jog his memory and remind him to call you.


Cruise past his house frequently, make friends with his beer drinking buddies, take his aunt in the retirement home to the zoo.


Mr Wrong?


There is a chance that you could end up with Mr. Wrong but don't despair. Once he's snagged keep a close eye on his behaviour during the dating period.


Keep notes and charts and status reports. When you find an undesirable characteristic it is your job to change him. Whimpering, whining sulking and screaming are all terrific molding methods.


Remember: Let's just be friends means he wants you and wants you bad he just can't deal with his feelings yet.


The Next Step


If you've followed the steps above you are ready to close the deal. Happy Woman do not date men over two years without getting an engagement ring.


You can force his hand by having his baby or dating other men to make him jealous.If that fails take him off the market. You can do this by spreading a rumour he has an STD, that he's a bigamist or he's bankrupt.


If you find that you are still not having any success with The Happy Woman rules you will need to motivate yourself. Slogans like "I am nothing without a man" or "I'm single because I'm fat" will keep you on the right track.


You're Welcome!


© Sharon Grehan-Howes



DISCLAIMER: This is a parody of women's magazines so don't come crying to us if you starved to death on one of our diets or you took out your liver by mistake. Unless otherwise noted all material © 2000 - 2022 Sharon Grehan-Howes ( aka Sharon Jeffcock ) Happy Woman Magazine All Rights Reserved